

Vegan Midget Gems was a Verbatim Theatre performance.  Verbatim theatre consists of spoken word testimonials as it’s main source of storytelling.  My lead performer, Mary Brennan, audibly re-enacted  interviews conducted with the person this story is based upon. 

The piece also consisted of  fictional conversations with other ‘characters’ such as a Doctor (The Playwright) who gives the prognosis and a Work colleague (Wiktoria Amanda) informing the audience of their company's rules regarding sick pay. 

Cast and Crew


Erica Davies - May Brennan

This was May's voice acting debut and we were truly privileged to have her as our leading actor.  As a performer May likes to explore vastly different stories to broaden their understanding of the world and the people around them.


Doctor - 'The Playwright'

The mind behind Click-Hiss productions, known to many under the alias 'The playwright'.  Their latest project Liminal is a HP love craft inspired horror piece combining both audio and live performance.  

Work Colleague- Wiktoria Amanda.  

Wiktoria is a National Youth Theatre member and they were a part of the original production of The Wall Within (2022) directed by Judith Callol.  Wiktoria is also the artist behind Touch of the Sun which is currently available to stream on Spotify.


Sound Editor - Alexander Standish-Murray

Alexander stepped up as our sound editor for this project and we here at Vegan Midget Gems would be lost without him.  He is also a highly skilled multidisciplinary performer, appearing in Liguan Flows (2023) - A part of the UEL Elevate Festival.



Verbatim Theatre


Unlike most documentary theatre, Verbatim theatre creates plays using the exact words spoken by interviewees about a particular event or subject. Verbatim theatre has been used to explore events such as 9/11, and the race riots in Los Angeles.

It gives a voice to those who otherwise wouldn't have one, as stories or events can be shared through this process.  This unique process produces dialogue in ways that most playwrights would be unable to achieve alone. Through this process, stories can be told from multiple perspectives, giving greater depth and authenticity to the work. This collaborative approach often produces more creative results, leading to innovative interpretations that wouldn't have been possible with a single writer.


One of the most famous Verbatim Theatre pieces, "The Laramie Project", was created by the Tectonic Theatre Project and Moisés Kaufman.  It was based on the murder of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man who was beaten and left to die. Two versions of the play were performed, based on interviews with local residents. The first with interviews conducted at the time of the murder in 1998. The second, 10 years later in 2008 to see how the town's response had changed to Shepard’s death. ​ American Thetare, a theatre communications group publication, says 200 interviews were conducted by Moisés Kaufman and Tectonic for 'The Laramie Project'. (Nesmith, 2023)


After its success, it was adapted into a film in 2002. It also spawned a sequel, The Laramie Project :Ten Years Later, which premiered on HBO in 2009.


Matthew Wayne Shepard, aged 21,  who was beaten, tortured, and left to die near Laramie on the night of October 6, 1998. 

Rehearsals for 'The Laramie Project'


Using Tracy Atkinsons own words, even if they were not spoken by her, is a powerful way to honour her experience. Although the story had fictional elements, they were all based on interviews with family and friends. The words of others are used here to build a picture of Tracy Atkinson's life, like a jigsaw puzzle. Though some pieces may be missing, the result still represents her life powerfully and meaningfully.